A large subset of corneal pathologies involves the formation of new blood vessels, leading to compromised visual acuity. Additionally, neovascularization of the cornea worsens the prognosis of subsequent penetrating keratoplasty, keeping the patient in a vicious circle of poor prognosis. Ocular angiogenesis results from the upregulation of proangiogenic and downregulation of antiangiogenic factors. There is a tremendous need for developing efective measures to prevent and/or treat corneal neovascularization. Topical steroid medication, cautery, argon and yellow dye laser, and ine needle diathermy have all been advocated with varying degrees of success. The process of corneal neovascularization is primarily mediated by the vascular endothelial growth factor family of proteins, and current therapies are aimed at disrupting the various steps in this pathway. This article aims to review the clinical causes and presentations of corneal neovascularization caused by diferent etiologies. Moreover, this chapter reviews diferent complications caused by corneal neovascularization and summarizes the most relevant treatments available so far.