Fluorescence collectors [1,2] provide efficient concentration and spectral dispersion of solar light for the conversion in multispectral solar cells such as tandem or triple cells [3,4] that allow reduction of cost and increase in efficiency [5][6][7]. One of the principle drawbacks of fluorescence collectors (flucos) consist in the loss of photons through the escape cone resulting from the lack of total reflection due to the contrast in refractive indices of fluco and its environment. This loss can be reduced by overcoating the illuminated (entrance) side with an angularly selective filter. Such selective filters prevent at least some luminescence photons in any type of absorber, e.g. fluco or semiconductor from escaping through the collector front side [8] and thus increase the internal photon density.By sufficient absorption and reemission in the fluco this higher flux is redistributed isotropically in the solid angle 4π and leads to a higher photoexcited state in the fluco which is attributed to an increase in chemical potential of the photon field [9]. This redistribution into 4π, analogously with the original isotropic emission, rises the photon flux towards the fluco edges as well where usually solar cells are attached [1,7] which benefit from the rise by a higher chemical potential of the electron-hole ensem-ble, equivalent with larger separation of quasi-Fermi levels [10][11][12], however the non-negligible reflection of the opal at λ ≤ 600 nm [13] may overcompensate the beneficial effect.We have performed spectral and angle dependent analyses of light emission from the illuminated fluorescence collector with and without selective filter at the light entrance side. We observe distinct differences in the spectral and angle dependent transmission and reflection spectra associated with the effect of the selective filter. Figure 1 (online colour at: www.pss-rapid.com) Spectral absorption and emission of a rodamine 6G doped fluorescence collector at normal incidence.The escape of photons from a fluorescence collector is substantially reduced by the addition of a 3D photonic crystal which is geometrically designed for the emission wavelengths of the collector. We analyze angle dependent spectral transmission and reflection of the opal and prove the blocking effect by recording the angle dependence of the spectral fluorescence from the collector with and without the opal. By comparison of both photon fluxes a reduction of the emission in the appropriate ranges of wavelength and angle by a factor > 10 is observed. For photovoltaic applications an increase in the internal photon density of the collector and likewise in the fluorescence photon flux fed to a solar cell can be expected, which might be overcompensated by the non-negligible reflection of the opal.