This paper presents the potential contribution of segmented stator magnetic circuits of rotating permanent magnets electrical machines with concentric winding. Two magnetic materials are mixed, FeSi Non-Oriented Electrical Steel (NOES) and FeSi Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES). The choice of using GOES is based on the high performance it offers in terms of permeability and iron losses compared to conventional NOES, particularly when GOES is magnetised in the Rolling Direction (RD). The goal is to analyse the contribution of the mixed magnetic circuit on the losses and electromagnetic torque, but also the drawbacks due to the cut process and to the assembly. The behaviour of the magnetic field at the junction between the segments is studied by comparing different geometrical connection shapes and compared to a reference magnetic circuit fully made with NOES sheets. This comparison is experimentally made with a model representative of the existing phenomena in an electrical machine. In addition, numerical calculations using finite elements software are carried out, by considering both the magnetic anisotropy and the saturation of the GOES.