Accurate anisotropic seismic velocity model building is the key to the success of seismic depth imaging projects in complex geological settings. Tomography has been an industry standard velocity model building tool for decades, but simultaneously solving for P-wave velocity, epsilon, and delta with surface seismic data only is an underdetermined inverse problem and unstable. The ambiguity in seismic migration velocity model leads to structural uncertainty in seismic image and is carried over to uncertainty in reservoir modeling. In this paper, we introduce a new method using rock physics compaction modeling of sandy shales to constrain the anisotropic tomography. An effective-media rock model was calibrated with well data for sedimentary basin and was used to build initial vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) velocity models. By running a stochastic simulation of the rock physics model, covariance functions were extracted from possible combination of to P-wave velocity, epsilon, and delta as a priori information to constrain the following anisotropic tomography updates and uncertainty analysis. The case study area is in the Green Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico. The results show that we can successfully constrain three parameters of tomography with the prior information from rock physics. We also performed seismic uncertainty analysis to assess the non-uniqueness of the tomography solutions. 500 velocity models with equivalent residual move out were generated and used to map migrate the reservoir structures. The gross rock volume P10, P50 and P90 were calculated from these 500 realizations to demonstrate the reduction of uncertainty from the rock physics constraints.