According to recent data, almost 1000 anthocyanins have been identifi ed in nature [Trouillas et al., 2016]. It is very rare that natural anthocyanins exist in aglycon form (as anthocyanidins). There were 31 anthocyanidins found in plants of which only six: cyanidin (Cy), delphinidin (Dp), pelargonidin (Pg), peonidin (Pn), malvidin (Mv), and petunidin (Pt), are widespread and usually found in fruits and vegetables [Andersen & Jordheim, 2010]. According to the study of Kong et al. [2003], their distribution is: Cy 50%, Dp 12%, Pg 12%, Pn 12%, Mv 7%, and Pt 7%. Mostly, natural anthocyanins are present as various glycosides of Cy, Dp, Pg, Pn, Mv, and Pt differing from each other by the successive addition of one more hydroxyl group at 3', 4', and at 5' that can be methylated. Among the 539 anthocyanins reported to be identifi ed in a review article by Andersen & Jordheim [2010], 97% are glycosidated. In addition to the differences in the aglycone structure and glycosylation, anthocyanins differ in acylation moieties. The sugar residues can be acylated by aliphatic acids or by aromatic acids [Giusti & Wrolstad, 2003]. Generally, they are linked to sugar in its 6-or 3-position but other substitutions are also present counting di-, trior poly-acyl substitution [Cortez et al., 2017]. Malonic acid and p-coumaric acid are the most frequent aliphatic and aromatic acyl groups, respectively. By 2010, out of the total