Rice bran are by products of paddy to rice processing. Confirmed by many researches that rice bran contains various bio-active components, and specifically antioxidants where more than 100 variances of antioxidant. Aside of tocopherols and tocotrienols, oryzanols are active endemic compounds found in rice bran that functions as anti-inflammation even anticancer. Pigmented Paddy was reported to be a source of potential antioxidant because they contain high concentrations of polyphenols and anthocyanine that also has functions as antiinflammation and also reduction of cholesterol in the blood. The purpose of this research was to identify active anthocyanine in crude extracts of Red Variety Rice Bran of North Sulawesi. Previous results have separated component fractions of the crude extracts of red variety rice bran of North Sulawesi based on their levels of polarity (buthanol, hexane and ethyl acetate). This separation process further continued by means of coloumn chromatography with a mobile phase of 1:1 hexane and acetone followed by a thin layer chromatography. Anthocyanine identification was determined by Liquid Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry - MS, where the ethyl acetate extract was confirmed as cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) with a molecular weight of 449,1367 kDa.