The present experiment was conducted in randomized block design with three replications in summer season 2016-17 at the Main Experiment Station of the Department of Vegetable Science, NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad. Total 22 genotypes were taken for study including two checks. Observations were recorded on various growth, yield and quality traits viz. plant height (cm), number of tillers per clump, number of leaves per shoot, weight of fresh rhizomes per plant (g), weight of mother rhizomes (g), number of primary rhizomes per plant, weight of primary rhizomes per plant (g), number of secondary rhizomes per plant, number of tertiary rhizomes per plant, rhizomes yield (q/ha), dry matter (%), TSS, curcumin and oleoresin content. The data were analyzed as per statistical procedure. A wide range of variation was observed for all the characters under study. The most desirable genotypes for characters other than rhizome yield were NDH-67 for plant height and number of tillers per clump, NDH-68 for number of leaves per shoots and weight of primary rhizome, NDH-162 for weight of fresh rhizome, NDH-79 for weight of mother rhizome and number of primary rhizomes per plant, NDH-68 for weight of primary rhizome, NDH-74 for number of secondary rhizome and NDH-128 for tertiary rhizomes per plant. The three genotypes NDH-79 (348.50 q/ha), NDH-128 (345.80 q/ha) and NDH-74 (334.80 q/ha) produced significantly more rhizome yield than the best check Narendra Haldi-1 (310 q/ha). Thus, these genotypes may be recommended for commercial cultivation under northern plains of India. They can be further evaluated to identify best genotypes suitable for cultivation at other locations and further used in breeding programmes.