“…Gender has a direct influence on the association between nursing care and women and on the difficulty that nurses face in receiving social recognition for their profession. Furthermore, gender affects power relations between doctors and nurses, which symbolically reproduce the allocation and hierarchization of roles between men and women, although the entrance of women into the medical field partially modifies this relationship (Arroyo Rodrı ´guez, Lancharro Tavero, Romero Serrano, & Morillo Martı ´n, 2011;Carrasco Acosta, Ma ´rquez Garrido, & Arenas Ferna ´ndez, 2005;Fajardo Trasobares & Germa ´n Bes, 2004). The small but growing number of men entering nursing does not break with these power relations based on gender but rather reproduces them within the profession (Evans, 1997;Kouta & Kaite, 2011).…”