A high performance ZSM-5 zeolite membrane is applied to remove H 2 O from the esteri cation of acetic acid and isopentanol by pervaporation. The in uences of reaction conditions on the isoamyl acetate yield are studied in detail. Compared with the traditional esteri cation of acetic acid and isopentanol, the esteri cation with "membrane extractor" has a well isoamyl acetate yield at low reaction temperature. With the reaction temperature, acetic acid/isopentanol molar ratio and e ective membrane surface area to esteri cation mixture ratio volume of 100°C, 3.0/1.0, 2.0 wt% NaHSO 4 , and 0.26 cm 2 /cm 3 , respectively, the isoamyl acetate yields was 98.39%, the membrane ux and separation factor (H 2 O to organic) were 0.21 kg·m 2 ·h 1 and 1040, respectively. Further, the ZSM-5 zeolite membrane shows good long-term stability and reproducibility for the pervaporation-esteri cation, the isoamyl acetate yields of the esteri cation-pervaporation for intermittent 8 times or continuous 160 h still remained at 97.73% and 98.30%, respectively. In addition, the ZSM-5 zeolite membrane still retained the typical MFI di raction peaks and morphology by XRD and SEM characterization after long-term PV-esteri cation .