We evaluated two homogeneous immunofluorometric assays (IFMAs) of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) based on new macroporous acrylate particles combined with flow cytometry. The standard IFMA, requiring 1 h of incubation, provided a working range from 1.8 to > 900 kIU/L (CV < 10%) and a detection limit of 0.6 kIU/L. Use of overnight incubation and a lower particle concentration extended the working range by 1 decade in the lower end. Analytical recoveries for the standard IFMA varied between 97% and 108%. The slope and y-intercept of the regression line correlating measurements by the standard IFMA and a routine immunoradiometric assay were not significantly different from 1 and 0, respectively (P > 0.5), and the correlation coefficient was 0.996. High precision and warning of spuriously high measurements were obtained by including in each sample separate particle types for detecting instrument instability and measuring nonspecific binding only.