Key words Topological algebra of real analytic functions, isomorphic classification, isomorphic embedding MSC (2000) Primary: 46E10, 46E25, 47B33, 58C25; Secondary: 26E05, 46A04, 46A13Let Ω1, Ω2 be open subsets of R d 1 and R d 2 , respectively, and let A(Ω1) denote the space of real analytic functions on Ω1. We prove a Glaeser type theorem by characterizing when a composition operator Cϕ : A(Ω1) → A(Ω2), Cϕ(f ) := f • ϕ, is a topological embedding. Using this result we characterize when A(Ω1) can be embedded topologically into A(Ω2) as a locally convex space or as a topological algebra. We also characterize LB-subspaces and Fréchet subspaces of A(Ω1). In particular, it follows that if A(Ω1) and A(Ω2) are isomorphic as locally convex spaces, then d1 = d2.