The CorInnova cardiac compression device (CorInnova, Inc., Houston, TX, USA) is
designed to provide direct biventricular support, increase cardiac output, and
improve ventricular unloading in patients with heart failure. Placed within the
pericardium and surrounding both ventricles, the device has two concentric sets
of thin-film polyurethane chambers: (1) inner (epicardial) saline-filled chambers
that conform intimately to the epicardial surface, eradicating any gaps in the
interface between the device and the heart; and (2) outer air-filled chambers
cycled to provide epicardial compression during systole and negative epicardial
pressure during diastole, consistent with physiological cardiac contraction and
relaxation. A superelastic, collapsible Nitinol frame gives the device structure,
enables minimally invasive self-deployment, and enhances diastolic filling.
Preclinical testing has been extremely promising, with improvements in cardiac
output and other cardiac parameters in animal heart failure models. This
potentially transformative technology is moving rapidly toward first-in-human
use. The CorInnova device may provide an effective device-based solution for
patients with heart failure who currently have few or limited mechanical cardiac
support options, including patients with biventricular cardiac failure, those
with right heart failure, those who are older, and those who are of smaller size.
It can be removed easily and requires minimal maintenance. An important, unique
feature of this technology is that it provides mechanical cardiac assistance
without blood contact or need for anticoagulation. The CorInnova device may be
particularly important for those patients who have contraindications to
anticoagulation due to allergy, neurological bleeds, or preexisting hemorrhage.
No other mechanical circulatory support device addresses these underserved
heart-failure populations.