We propose that a parallel coordinates plot can be used to study multidimensional data particularly to explore discovery of patterns across the variables. this can assist researchers from the health sciences to visualize their cohort data with interactive data analysis. the study used data from Mother and child in the Environment birth cohort in Durban, South Africa for the period 2013 to 2017 retrospectively registered. In this paper, we demonstrate that the exploration of multidimensional data with parallel coordinates plot and use of brushing using different colours assists with the identification of relationships and patterns. parallel coordinates plot visualization facilitates the researcher's skills to find trends, identify outliers and perform quality checks in large multivariate data. We have identified trends in the data that provide directions for further research, and illustrated thereby the potential of parallel coordinates plot to explore patterns and relationships of prenatal oxides of nitrogen exposure with multidimensional birth outcomes. the study recognized the co-occurrence of adverse birth outcomes among infants and these infants had mothers with moderate to high level of nox exposure during pregnancy. Brushing using different colours facilitated the detection of patterns of relationships to perform basic and advanced statistical model-based analysis. Data exploration techniques are important approaches for displaying multidimensional and multivariate datasets 1 , and to demonstrate the different ways that complex interactions among variables can be identified in images 2,3. It is a method for identifying and confirming previously unknown and important patterns within data sets and an important philosophical approach to understanding one's data 4. Visual analytics is well developed for up to three variables (three-dimensional plots (3D plots)). Visual analytics for more than four covariates is complex and not well developed 5. One of the most challenging stages in multivariate data analysis is to identify patterns and associations between a set of interrelated variables. Most typical data exploratory techniques fail to visualize multidimensional data 6. The typical exploratory data analysis techniques, such as bar charts, line graphs, histograms and scatter plots suit one or two-dimensional data 7. However, visualization of complex multidimensional data is challenging for researchers. Box plots, scatter plots, heat maps, complex radial tree layout diagrams are among the most commonly used techniques to better explore multidimensional data 8. The box-and-whisker plot is also useful in bivariate analysis, as it allows comparisons between different groups that results from categorical grouping variables 9. Previous data exploration techniques relied mostly on scatter plot matrices 10. However, it is not generalizable beyond three dimensions and making multivariate associations requires a large amount of screen space. Due to this, the problem of representing multidimensional data is a difficult an...