Using transport measurements, we investigate multicomponent quantum Hall (QH) ferromagnetism in dual-gated rhombohedral trilayer graphene (r-TLG), in which the real spin, orbital pseudospin and layer pseudospins of the lowest Landau level form spontaneous ordering. We observe intermediate quantum Hall plateaus, indicating a complete lifting of the degeneracy of the zeroth Landau level (LL) in the hole-doped regime. In charge neutral r-TLG, the orbital degeneracy is broken first, and the layer degeneracy is broken last and only the in presence of an interlayer potential U⊥. In the phase space of U⊥ and filling factor ν, we observe an intriguing "hexagon" pattern, which is accounted for by a model based on crossings between symmetry-broken LLs.Keywords: quantum Hall ferromagnetism, graphene, trilayer, rhombohedral stacking, Landau level crossing * Emails:,; In the quantum Hall (QH) regime, when the energies of two or more Landau levels (LLs) are brought to alignment, the spinor language is often used to describe the different degrees of freedom, such as layer and orbital pseudospins, due to their close analogy to the spins in a twodimensional ferromagnet. When these LLs are less than completely full, competition between these degrees of freedom leads to formation of electronic states with spontaneous ordering of pseudospins, much like the spontaneous real spin alignment in a ferromagnet. For this reason, these symmetry-broken QH states are called QH ferromagnets, with real or pseudo-spin orderings that maybe easy-plane, i.e. akin to a XY Heisenberg magnet, or easy-axis, i.e. akin to an Ising ferromagnet. These QH ferromagnetic states provide a rich platform for investigation of the competition among different symmetries, as well as providing insight into the itinerant magnetism in standard magnets.The recent emergence of two-dimensional (2D) graphene provides new playground for multicomponent QH ferromagnetic states and the associated phase transitions 1-6 7-19 20-28 . With the advent of high mobility samples that may be either suspended 29,30 or supported on BN substrates 31,32 , and advanced device geometry such as dual-gates or split top gates [33][34][35] , few-layer graphene provides QH systems with unusual symmetries and unprecedented tunability.In particular, rhombohedral trilayer graphene is such a QH system with very flat bands near the charge neutrality point. Its LL energies are given bywhere N is an integer denoting the LL index, e the electron charge, v F~1 0 6 m/s the Fermi velocity of single layer graphene, γ 1~0 .3 eV the interlayer hopping energy, and h Planck's constant. The degeneracy between the N=0, 1 and 2 LLs, together with the spin and valley degrees of freedom, yield the 12-fold degeneracy of the lowest LL, and give rise to plateaus at filling factors ν=±6, ±10, ±14… Interactions and/or single particle effects lift this 12-fold degeneracy, leading to incompressible QH ferromagnetic states at intermediate fillings 36,37 , with ex...