“…Specifically, the Why > How contrast reliably reveals activation in the dorsomedial and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (PFC), the anterior superior temporal sulcus (STS), the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)-regions that have been independently implicated in representing and reasoning about the mental states that typically drive actions, such as beliefs, desires and intentions (Gallagher and Frith, 2003;Saxe, 2006;Carrington and Bailey, 2009;Van Overwalle and Baetens, 2009;Mar, 2011;Denny et al, 2012;Schurz et al, 2014). Conversely, the How > Why contrast reliably activates the dorsal and ventral premotor cortex (PMC), posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTG), rostral inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and dorsal precuneusregions that have been independently implicated in representing the visual motion patterns and somatomotor features of actions when perceived and performed (Caspers et al, 2010;Molenberghs et al, 2012;Rizzolatti et al, 2014), conceptualized (Kemmerer et al, 2012;Watson et al, 2013;Urgesi et al, 2014), and verbally processed (Kemmerer et al, 2012;Pulvermuller, 2013;Kemmerer, 2015).…”