“…21 However, the spectral data given for the compound isolated from the latter plant did not correspond with those obtained with a synthesized compound, and it was doubtful whether the 2,3-dimethoxy-p-cymene isolated was identical with the synthesized compound. 43 An unusual, highly substituted and symmetrical compound, 1,4-dimethoxy-2,3,5,6-tetramethylbenzene ( = 1P-dimethoxydurene) was detected in small amounts in the oil, and as such not included in the table, but the amount in the oil was found to increase on storage at 4 "C. Its identity was confirmed by co-injection with an authentic synthesized ample.^' This compound has also been detected in the essential oils of Pulicharia undulata L., 44 and Eupatorium stoechadosmum H a n~e ,~' .~~ both family Asteraceae. 6-Hydroxycarvotanacetone [64809-60-51, an a, P-unsaturated hydroxyketone, which we found in this oil and designated compound 11, has so far not been found in nature, but has been synthes i~e d .~' .~~ Its identity was confirmed by IR and mass spectrometry.…”