20 Emulsified volatile anaesthetics can be easily injected into the circulation and 21 eliminated from blood to lungs. Taking advantage of this unique pharmacokinetics, 22 we aimed to develop a less trauma model for preferential delivery of volatile 23 anaesthetics to the spinal cord with an intact CNS and circulatory system in the rabbit.24 Sixteen New Zealand White rabbits were randomly assigned to the isoflurane and 25 sevoflurane group. A catheter for delivering emulsified isoflurane (8mg/kg/h) or 26 sevoflurane (12mg/kg/h) to the spinal cord was placed into the descending aorta in all 27 rabbits. The concentration and partial pressure of isoflurane and sevoflurane in the 28 jugular and femoral vein were measured. Our results showed that the partial pressure 29 of isoflurane was 3.91±1.11 mmHg in the jugular vein and 12.61±1.60 mmHg 30 (1.0MAC) in the femoral vein. The partial pressure of sevoflurane was 3.89±1.00 31 mmHg in the jugular vein and 19.92±1.84mmHg (1.0MAC) in the femoral vein.32 There was significant difference regarding the partial pressure of isoflurane and 33 sevoflurane between jugular and femoral veins in two groups (both P<0.001). In 34 conclusion, a simple method has been successfully developed to selectively deliver 35 isoflurane and sevoflurane to the spinal cord in the rabbit. Before acting on the brain, 36 69% isoflurane and 81% sevoflurane were removed from body via lungs. This method 37 can be used to investigate the pharmacological properties of volatile anesthetics. 38 39 3 40 Induction 41 Volatile anaesthetics can induce a variety of reversible, clinically important effects 42 such as amnesia, hypnosis and immobility[1, 2]. To determine if an effect is due to 43 brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves or both, we need a differential anaesthetic 44 delivery model[3, 4]. To solve this problem, previous researches have introduced 45 several selectively anaesthetized models in the goat, dog and rabbit, using 46 cardiopulmonary bypass technology [5-7] But, these models limited by the severe 47 trauma which could destroy the physiological structure of the cerebral and spinal cord 48 circulation of experimental animals.
49Rabbits have a unique spinal cord circulation in that each spinal cord segment is 50 supplied by a single corresponding radicular artery arising from aorta [8, 9].In 51 addition, the blood supply to the thoracolumbar region (below T 3 ) of spinal cord 52 originate from the thoracic and abdominal aorta in the rabbit [10][11][12]. Emulsified 53 volatile anaesthetic is that liquid anaesthetic dissolves in an emulsion and produces 54 anaesthesia as effectively as liquid one [13, 14]. What's important is that, emulsified 55 volatile anaesthetic can be directly injected into the circulation as same as intravenous 56 drugs and eliminated via the lungs [15, 16]. Based on these findings, we aimed to 57 establish a less trauma model for differential delivery of volatile anaesthetics 58 (isoflurane and sevoflurane) to the spinal cord with an intact CNS and circulatory 59 system in t...