Since the discovery of C 60 , [1] attempts to utilize the unique properties of fullerene molecules have been widespread. [2] One field of particular interest is the potential use of novel fullerene-based materials within the semiconductor industry, [3] where the interplay between new materials and new technologies is always of vital importance. Two such emerging technologies proposed for next-generation lithography are arrayed microcolumns [4] and multiple electron-beam (ebeam) systems, [5] both of which have recently shown promise. [6] In the former, multiple electron guns are used to create an array of individually controlled beams, while the latter uses a single large beam split by an aperture plate into many concurrently controlled beams. In each case a massive parallelization of the system should allow greatly enhanced patterning speeds. As these technologies will most likely operate in the low ebeam energy regime (below 5 keV), the requirement for high-resolution resists suitable for low energies is becoming increasingly important. Significantly, because low-energy electrons have a dramatically reduced penetration depth, re-sists with ultrahigh etch durability become vital due to the fact that only thin films of resist can be used.C 60 itself can be used as a negative-tone e-beam resist with extremely high etch resistance. [7] However, pure C 60 films require preparation via vacuum sublimation and also need an extremely high electron dose, in the region of 12 mC cm À2 , to change the dissolution rate in organic solvents. Previous studies by Robinson and co-workers showed that films of C 60 derivatives could be cast by the more conventional spin-coating technique, while achieving an order of magnitude increase in sensitivity. [8,9] It was also shown that 20-nm features could be patterned in the resist, while maintaining an etch durability six times that of silicon (in electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) microwave plasma etching with SF 6 ). [9] Electron-beam energies of 20 to 30 keV were employed in all of this prior work. Herein, we report the performance of the multiaddend methanofullerenes MF02-01A and MF03-01 (Scheme 1) when the e-beam energy is reduced to the low-energy regime, specifically 0.2 to 5 keV. The synthesis of these derivatives will be presented elsewhere. [10] Samples of the methanofullerenes were dissolved in chloroform and deposited by spin coating on hydrogen-terminated silicon < 100 > samples, approximately 4 cm 2 in size. Sample concentrations ranged from 1 to 20 g L À1 , which resulted in film thicknesses of between 10 and 120 nm. Anisole was also found to be an effective casting solvent. The sensitivity of these resist films to e-beam irradiation at energies below 5 keV was investigated using a FEI XL30SFEG scanning electron microscope equipped with a pattern generator for lithography (Raith Elphy Quantum). The samples were exposed to various electron doses between 5 and 5000 mC cm À2 , and were then developed in a suitable solvent such as monochlorobenzene (MCB) before rinsing in i...