XLSTAT (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: os indivíduos estudados tinham média de idade de 37±7,9 anos, com um volume seminal médio de 3±1,4 mL, uma concentração espermática de 61,4±66,4 espermatozóides por mL de sêmen, motilidade progressiva de 44,7±19,4% do total de espermatozóides e morfologia normal de 11,2±6,6% dos espermatozóides. As médias de idade entre os grupos foram semelhantes, exceto a média dos indivíduos com hipoespermia, que foi significativamente maior que a dos homens com normoespermia (39,6±10,3 versus 36,5±7,3, p=0,001). CONCLUSÕES: a idade interfere, de forma inversamente proporcional, sobre o volume do ejaculado, porém não exerce influência na concentração, motilidade e morfologia espermática.Abstract PURPOSE: to evaluate the influence of age on the quality of semen in men submitted to spermatic analysis in a human reproduction service, in cases of conjugal infertility. METHODS: a retrospective study in which the spermiograms of all men in process of investigation for conjugal infertility in a service of assisted reproduction in the Northeast of Brazil were evaluated from September 2002 to December 2004. A number of 531 individuals submitted to 531 spermatic evaluations were included in the study. The following parameters have been analyzed: spermatic volume, concentration, motility and morphology. The men under investigation have been divided in groups, according to the results obtained in each of the variables studied. Seminal volume groups were divided in: hypospermia, normospermia and hyperspermia. Spermatic concentration groups were divided in: azoospermia, oligospermia, normospermia and polyspermia. Motility groups were divided in: normal motility and asthenospermia. Morphology groups were divided in: normal morphology and teratospermia. The t test has been used to compare the average age of patients in groups with normal and in groups with altered parameters. The program XLSTAT (p<0.05) has been used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: the individuals studied presented an average of 37±7.9 years old, with an average of seminal volume of 3±1.4 mL, a spermatic concentration of 61.4±66.4 spermatozoids by mL of semen, a progressive motility of 44.7±19.4% of the total of spermatozoids and normal morphology of 11.2±6.6% of the spermatozoids.