One of the consequences of urbanization is the need for a well-connected public transport system to ensure effective movement of citizens in urban areas. Modern public transportation systems in lower to lower middle income countries are still in their infancy compared to other major cities around the world. Providing reliable and affordable intermodal transportation is a significant challenge in Indonesia, especially in developing cities like Semarang. The high volume of traffic in the city causes critical congestion due to the imbalance between transportation facilities, mobility management, and travel behavior. The concept of Bus Rapid Transit was adopted as a transportation policy for mobility sustainability and introduced in Semarang to reduce congestion and car dependency. However, there is still a lack of integration between the intermodal transportation system and passenger facilities, which may affect the willingness to use public transport. This study aims to explore the intermodal transportation system in relation to public transport facilities in Semarang. This study uses a quantitative approach in the form of descriptive analysis in the form of both descriptive statistics and descriptive spatial. The research revealed that an intermodal transportation system that integrates modes such as airports, ports, and railway stations with BRT public transport can improve travel efficiency and enhance the bus transit experience. Integration can be implemented in the form of physical integration, information integration, and fare integration. The purpose of this research is to see the extent to which intermodal integration of public transportation occurs in Semarang to see the sustainability of mobility. The result of this study is that Semarang must improve to create intermodal integration by improving pedestrian ways, information integration, and fare integration.