properly cited.Purpose. To describe a novel approach to brow ptosis correction and evaluate its long-term efficacy in patients with facial-paralysisassociated brow ptosis. Methods. Twenty-two patients aged from 50 to 90 years underwent "power" brow liing, involving 3 intrabrow stab incisions and suture suspension of the brow to the frontal calvarium via titanium miniplate. Long-term results of the operation were assessed retrospectively. Pre-and postoperative photographs were measured with FACE-gram soware to evaluate efficacy of the procedure. Results. Seventeen patients who underwent "power" brow li were available for postoperative evaluation. Among them, follow-up length ranged from 12 to 448 days. e average post-operative change in brow height was 5.7 mm, which was statistically signi�cant � ). ere were no complications. Conclusions. e "power" brow procedure can help to restore upper facial symmetry and visual �elds and improve periocular hygiene. e operation is easily performed in an office setting, under local anesthesia, and appears to provide reliable long-term results. e time required to perform the procedure is far less than that required for a standard direct brow li; there is no risk of postoperative forehead hypesthesia, and there is no superciliary scar.