Background: The role of nutritional status and risk for contracting and/or suffering adverse outcomes from COVID-19 infection are unclear. Preliminary studies suggest that higher n-3 PUFA intakes may be protective. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare risk for three COVID-19 outcomes (testing positive, hospitalization, and death) as a function of baseline plasma DHA levels. Methods: DHA levels (% of total fatty acids) were measured by NMR. The three outcomes and relevant covariates were available for 110,688 subjects (hospitalization and death) and for 26,620 ever-tested subjects (positive COVID-19 PCR test result) via the UKBiobank prospective cohort study. Outcome data between January 1, 2020 and March 23, 2021 were included. Estimated Omega-3 Index (red blood cell EPA+DHA%) levels across DHA% quintiles were estimated. Multi-variable Cox-proportional hazards models were constructed and linear (per 1-SD) relations with risk for each outcome were computed. Results: In the fully adjusted models, subjects in quintile 5 of DHA% were 21% less likely to test positive than those in quintile 1 (p<0.001), and the risk for a positive test was 8% lower for each 1-SD increase in plasma DHA% (p<0.001). Quintile 5 subjects were also 27% less likely to be hospitalized than those in quintile 1 (P<0.05), and risk for hospitalization was 11% lower per 1-SD increase in DHA% (p<0.001). For death with COVID-19, risk was monotonically lower through quintile 4 (p<0.05 vs quintile 1), but in quintile 5, the risk reduction was partially attenuated and became non-significant. Estimated Omega-3 Index values across DHA quintiles ranged from 3.5% (quintile 1) to 8% (quintile 5). Conclusions: These findings suggest that nutritional strategies to increase circulating n-3 PUFA levels, such as increased consumption of oily fish and/or use of n-3 fatty acid supplements, may reduce risk for adverse COVID-19 outcomes.