Exposure to air pollution and other environmental inhalation hazards, such as occupational exposures to dusts and fumes, aeroallergens, and tobacco smoke, is a significant cause of chronic lung inflammation leading to respiratory disease. It is now recognized that resolution of inflammation is an active process controlled by a novel family of small lipid mediators termed "specialized pro-resolving mediators" or SPMs, derived mainly from dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chronic inflammation results from an imbalance between proinflammatory and pro-resolution pathways. Research is ongoing to develop SPMs, and the proresolution pathway more generally, as a novel therapeutic approach to diseases characterized by chronic inflammation. Here, we will review evidence that the resolution pathway is dysregulated in chronic lung inflammatory diseases, and that SPMs and related molecules have exciting therapeutic potential to reverse or prevent chronic lung inflammation, with a focus on lung inflammation due to inhalation of environmental hazards including urban particulate matter, organic dusts and tobacco smoke.