We present a versatile laser system which provides more than 1.5 W of narrowband light, tunable in the range from 455-463 nm. It consists of a commercial Titanium-Sapphire laser which is frequency doubled using resonant cavity second harmonic generation and stabilized to an external reference cavity. We demonstrate a wide wavelength tuning range combined with a narrow linewidth and low intensity noise. This laser system is ideally suited for atomic physics experiments such as two-photon excitation of Rydberg states of potassium atoms with principal quantum numbers n > 18. To demonstrate this we perform two-photon spectroscopy on ultracold potassium gases in which we observe an electromagnetically induced transparency resonance corresponding to the 35s 1/2 state and verify the long-term stability of the laser system. Additionally, by performing spectroscopy in a magneto-optical trap we observe strong loss features corresponding to the excitation of s, p, d and higher-l states accessible due to a small electric field.
A. IntroductionThe coupling of atomic systems with laser fields enables the extremely precise creation and study of model quantum systems, such as atom-light interactions [1], cavity quantum electrodynamics [2,3], optical atomic clocks [4,5], strongly correlated matter [6,7], and quantum simulators [8]. Success in these areas is largely attributed to the development of techniques such as laser cooling and trapping which have enabled an amazing level of control over essentially all ground state properties of ultracold atoms, including their atomic motion, spatial geometry, coherence and interaction properties. At the same time, the continuing development of new laser sources capable of spanning almost the complete wavelength range (from ultraviolet to infrared), have made it possible to achieve quantum control over the singleatom electronic properties of many atoms, including their highly excited Rydberg states. Laser control of Rydberg states provides a novel platform for quantum science and technology, including: probing surface fields [9-12], sensing using thermal vapours [13][14][15] One outstanding application of Rydberg atoms is to exploit strong light-matter interactions to realize new types of quantum fluids enhanced by long-range interactions (Rydberg dressing) [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. The challenge lies in reaching a regime of strong Rydberg atom-light coupling while at the same time minimizing decoherence. Most cold atom experiments working with highly excited Rydberg states are realized using alkali atoms, in which the Rydberg state is accessed via a two-photon transition involving two laser fields (commonly in the infrared and blue wavelength ranges). In this case the relevant figure of merit for Rydberg dressing scales proportionally to the atom-light Figure 1. Schematic overview of the laser system and potassium level scheme used for two-photon Rydberg excitation. (a) The laser system consists of a Titanium-Sapphire laser and resonant-cavity frequency doubling (SHG). To imp...