Two essential amino acids (methionine and tryptophan); anti-nutritional factors (tannin and trypsin inhibitor) and toxic elements (Pb, Cd, Ni, As, Hg and Cr) were determined spectrophotometrically from five edible wild mushrooms. The tryptophan content was between 1.00 and 1.82 g (100 g) )1 but methionine was low at 0.26-1.38 g (100 g) )1 . Tannin content was high (30.3-40.0 mg g )1 ) but trypsin inhibitor was low (22.0-39.5 TIU g )1 ). Trace elements analysis reviled Pb (0.34-5.06 mg kg )1 ) to be the highest of all the trace elements. Cd was (0.06-1.70 mg kg )1 ), Ni (0.26-2.08 mg kg )1 ), As (0.17-0.92 mg kg )1 ), Hg (0.01-0.05 mg kg )1 ) and Cr (0.04-0.22 mg kg )1 ). These mushrooms are nutritious but must be well processed to eliminate or at least reduce the levels of tannin and Pb to improve their nutritional values.