Summary: Quality indicators are tools that allow the quantification of quality in each of the segments of health care in comparison with selected criteria. They can be defined as an objective measure used to assess the critical health care segments such as, for instance, patient safety, effectiveness, impartiality, timeliness, efficiency, etc. In laboratory medicine it is possible to develop quality indicators or the measure of feasibility for any stage of the total testing process. The total process or cycle of investigation has traditionally been separated into three phases, the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phase. Some authors also include a »pre-pre« and a »post-post« analytical phase, in a manner that allows to separate them from the activities of sample collection and transportation (pre-analytical phase) and reporting (postanalytical phase). In the year 2008 the IFCC formed within its Education and Management Division (EMD) a task force called Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety (WG-LEPS) with the aim of promoting the investigation of errors in laboratory data, collecting data and developing a strategy to improve patient safety. This task force came up with the Model of Quality Indicators (MQI) for the total testing process (TTP) including the pre-, intra-and post-analytical phases of work. The pre-analytical phase includes a set of procedures that are difficult to define because they take place at different locations and at different times. Errors that occur at this stage often become obvious later in the analytical and postana lytical phases. For these reasons the identification of quality indicators is necessary in order to avoid potential errors in all the steps of the pre-analytical phase.Keywords: quality indicators, health care, patient safety, laboratory medicine, pre-analytical phase, errors Kratak sadr`aj: Indikatori kvaliteta su alatke pomo}u kojih je mo gu }e kvantifikovati kvalitet svakog segmenta zdrav stvene slu`be u pore|enju sa odabranim kriterijumima. Indikatori kvaliteta mogu da se defini{u kao objektivno merilo za procenu kriti~nih zdravstvenih segmenata kao {to su npr. sigurnost pacijenata, efektivnost, nepristrasnost, pravovremenost, efikasnost itd. Kada je re~ o laboratorijskoj medicini mogu}e je razviti indikatore kvaliteta ili meru izvodljivosti za bilo koji stupanj ukupnog laboratorij skog procesa. Ukupan proces ili ciklus ispitivanja tradicionalno obuhvata tri faze, pre-ana li ti~ku, analiti~ku i post-ana li ti~ku. Neki autori uvode i »pre-pre« i »post-post« analiti~ku fazu kako bi se identifikovale aktivno sti koje prate inicijalni izbor neophodnih analiza i njiho vog tuma~enja od strane klini~ara, na koji na~in se raz dvajaju od aktivnosti uzimanja i transporta uzoraka (pre-ana li ti~ka faza) i izve{tavanja (post-analiti~ka faza). Godine 2008. IFCC je u okviru svog Komiteta za edu kaciju i menad`ment (EMD) formirao radnu grupu »Labo ratory Errors and Patient Safety« (WG-LEPS) sa ciljem da promovi{e ispitivanje gre {a ka u labo ratorijskoj medicini, sakuplj...