“…In tec tonic maps, blocks (ter ranes) of Gondwanan or i gin are fre quently dis tin guished in the area lo cated west of the T-T line, how ever, their ex tent is dif fer ently out lined (e.g., Pharoah, 1999;Pharoah et al, 2006;Nawrocki and Poprawa, 2006;Olczon, 2006;Olczon et al, 2007;¯elaŸniewicz et al, 2009). This is due to differ ent ap proaches to the is sue of the course of the SW boundary of the craton, re fer ring to the Pa leo zoic sec tions in the craton and its fore land (Kraus, 1977;Mizerski, 1988Mizerski, , 1995Sikorska, 2005, 2006;Dadlez, 2006;Konon, 2008) and to the tec tonic evo lu tion of both ar eas (Stupka, 1995;Stupka, 2005, 2007;Nawrocki and Poprawa, 2006;Karnkowski, 2008;Narkiewicz and Dadlez, 2008;elaŸniewicz, 2008;¯elaŸniewicz and Aleksandrowski, 2008;elaŸniewicz et al, 2011;Mizerski et al, 2012Mizerski et al, , 2014.…”