Homogeneous reaction precursors may be used to form several solid-state compounds inaccessible by traditional synthetic routes, but there has been little development of techniques that allow for a priori prediction of what may crystallize in a given material system. Here, the local structures of FeSbx designed precursors are determined and compared with the structural motifs of their crystalline products. X-ray total scattering and atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis are used to show that precursors that first nucleate a metastable FeSb3 compound share similar local structure to the product. Interestingly, precursors that directly crystallize to thermodynamically stable FeSb2 products also contain local structural motifs of the metastable phase, despite their compositional disagreement. While both crystalline phases consist of distorted FeSb6 octahedra with Sb shared between either two or three octahedra as required for stoichiometry, a corner-sharing arrangement indicative of AX3-type structures is the only motif apparent in the PDF of either precursor. Prior speculation was that local composition controlled which compounds nucleate from amorphous intermediates, with different compositions favoring different local arrangements and hence different products. This data suggests that local environments in these amorphous intermediates may not be very sensitive to overall composition. This can provide insight into potential metastable phases which may form in a material system, even with a precursor that does not crystallize to the kinetically stabilized product. Determination of local structure in homogeneous amorphous reaction intermediates from techniques such as PDF can be a valuable asset in the development of systematic methods to prepare targeted solid-state compounds from designed precursors.