Direct DNA sequencing of amplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products offers several advantages over cloning of amplified DNA products. It is faster (1 day versus 3-5 days) and in DNA samples containing sequence polymorphisms both the normal and mutated sequence can be detected in the same sequencing reaction. The major problems encountered in direct sequencing of amplified DNA have been contamination by PCR primers and deoxynucleotides, and overcoming fast template renaturation. Techniques which have been used to purify the amplified product include: differential precipitation, electrophoretic purification, absorption of DNA to specific matrices, or differential filtration (i.e. centricon) (1-6). Each of these techniques is capable of improving the quality of sequence data, but all are time consuming and subject to some perfonmance variability. The problem of template reannealing has also been approached by several methods including: rapid cooling following denaturation, use of thermal stable polymerases, increased primer concentration and preparation of a single-stranded DNA templates by: asymmetric PCR, biotinylation of one primer or use of strandspecific nuclease (2,5,7,8). We have devised a strategy for direct sequencing of PCR products using a simple modification of the standard Sequenase@ protocol (U.S. Biochemicals, Cleveland, OH).The major change in the protocol is that template denaturation, primer annealing and DNA sequencing are all performed in the presence of agarose. This technique simplifies purification, eliminates the necessity for elution of the DNA, and may act to prevent reannealing of the DNA template. The method described here was developed to allow rapid analysis of DNA samples from patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (9). These patients have heterozygous mutations in one of six codons in the RET proto-oncogene (10,11). DNA sequence analysis permits rapid determination of specific mutations contained in one of three exons. PCR products (2-3 ,tg) were purified by electrophoresis on 0.8-1 % SeaPlaque® (FMC, Rockland, ME) agarose gels.Electrophoresis was performed with either TrisAcetate or TrisBorate buffer, in the absence or presence of ethidium bromide. We used an Owl Scientific (model B1A) apparatus with a 6 well 1.5 mm comb. Following electrophoresis the DNA band of interest was excised, taking care to remove as much excess agarose as possible. The gel slice containing the PCR product was weighed, an equal volume of dH2O was added, and melted at 75°C for 5-15 minutes. The annealing reaction was prepared by combining: 5-10 Al of melted gel containing template DNA, 1 jd of sequencing primer (10 A260/ml), and dH2O to 11 (4. This mixture was denatured by incubation at 100°C for 3 minutes and annealing was performed by immediately placing the tube in ice for 5 minutes. Dideoxy-DNA sequencing was performed on 10