Studies on the influence of mannitol and dulcitol and certain of their anhydrides on the dissociation of boric acid were reported in a previous communication (7). In general, the increased dissociation of boric acid produced by sugar alcohols was exhibited to a lesser degree or not at all by their anhydrides. Another series of these substances has been made available for study, and further investigations as to the effect of these compounds on the dissociation of boric acid have been instituted.
MATERIALSThe-inositol, erythritol, pentaerythritol, and adonitol employed were Pfanstiehl's c.p. products and met the specifications of their catalogue.Ethylene glycol, ethylene oxide, propylene glycol, propylene oxide, and trimethylene glycol were supplied by the Eastman Kodak Co. The dihydroxyacetone employed was Oxantin, prepared formerly by Merck and Co. The epihydrin alcohol was prepared from epibromhydrin (1). The Z-epihydrin alcohol, distilling at 70°C. at 10 mm. pressure, was employed. The polygalitol was extracted from poly gala amara (9). The compound melted at 138°C. (uncorrected). The erythritan was prepared from erythritol by dehydration with sulfuric acid (2,6). Analysis gave the