E-Commerce product features and reviews are considered to be the essential factors in real-time e-commerce sites for product recommendation systems. Due to inaccuracy decision patterns, in most cases e-commerce user fails to predict the products based on the user ratings and review comments. Traditional sentiment classification models are independent of data filtering, transformation and sentiment score computing techniques which require high computing memory, time and mostly leading to false-positive rate. To overcome these issues, a novel sentiment score-based product recommendation model is proposed on the real-time product data. In this model, a new product ranking score, filtering, and hybrid decision tree classifiers are implemented. Initially, real-time amazon product review data is captured using Document Object Model (DOM) parser. The features from the review comments are extracted using lexicon Feature Dictionary (FD) and AFINN, Normalized Product Review Score (NPRS) are generated to compute the class label for product review sentiment prediction. Ranked Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) is used as a feature selection measure to overcome the problem of data sparsity. Random Tree, Hoeffding Tree, Adaboost + Random Tree, the three variants of decision tree classifiers are used for product sentiment classification. The proposed filter-based improved decision tree sentiment classification model for real-time amazon product review data recommends the product based on the user query by prediction using a new novel normalized product review sentiment score and ranked feature selection measure. The proposed product recommendation, the decision-making system maximizes sentiment classification accuracy. Experimental results are compared against the traditional decisionmaking classification models in terms of correctly classified instances, error rate, and PRC, F-measure, kappa statistics. The proposed model experimental results show high efficiency.