BYIn our previous papers /1 , 2/, which will be referred t o as I and II, we investigated the band-gap narrowing and the effective electric fie1d.h the n-type moderately doped region of silicon devices at 300 K, basing on a screeeffect by dense donors studied in the spirit of the second-order Thomas-Fermi model.The purpose of this note is to calculate the transport parameters in the n-tgpe moderately doped region of silicon devices at 300 K, such as electronand-hole diffusion coefficients (Dn and D ) and hole diffusion length (L ).given in the electrical model are found to be, respectively, as P P Calculation of D and D From I, the electron and hole concentrations nwhere N : = Nc(Nd/no), qo = (Ei -Ez)/kT, and A E band-gap narrowing, no and p the electron and hole concentrations in the classical model (see Section 2 of I). It should be noted that, for N d s 3 . 3 8~l O~~ m-3, N s n relation between the electron diffusion coefficient Dn and the electron mobility p (1. e. , ~~/ p~ = ( N P ) k~ (a %/a N~) /3/) one gets first from (1 ): (6 N p G) = */N:exp( G), and therefore denotes the optical g, opt 0 23 while, for Nd > 3.36xl.O m-', Nd > no. Thus, from a general d 0' n 1 ) Av. Villeneuve, F-66 a 5 Perpignan Cedex, France. 2) Rectorat de Bordeaux, 5, Rue Joseph de Carayon Latour, 33 060 Bordeaux CBdex, France. 6 physica (b)