An investigation is made of the electrical conductivity and the Hall coefficient of Zn,Hgl -,Te system with z = 0 and 2=0.2 as a function of the temperature and magnetic field in the ranges 77 to 400 "K and 250 to 10000 Gs, respectively. An effect of the "heavy carriers" on the galvanomagnetic properties is found. The additional conductivity due to these "carriers" has a temperature independent value. The energy gap for HgTe is estimated to E , = -0.27 eV and E, = -0.16 e?' at the temperatures 77 and 300 "K, respectively.La conductivite klectrique et le coefficient de Hall du systhme Zn,Hgl -,Te avec z = 0 et z = 0,2 ont Btk Btudiks en fonction de la temperature e t du champ magnktique, dans les domaines de 77 i 400°K et de 250 i 10000 Gs. L'effet des ,,portems lourds" sur les propribt6s galvanomagn6tiques a 6tB trouv6. La conductivit6 additionnelle donnee par ces ,,porteurs" a une valeur constante avec la temperature. La bande interdite pour HgTe a B t Bestimke: E, = -0,27 eV et E , = -0,16 eV iL 77 e t 300 "K respectivement.