We outline an empirical framework to guide the analyses of signaling games and focus on three key features: sorting of senders, incentive compatibility of senders, and belief updating of receivers. We apply the framework to answer the following question: Can sellers credibly signal their private information to reduce frictions in negotiations? We argue that some sellers use round numbers to signal their willingness to cut prices in order to sell faster. Using millions of online bargaining interactions we show that items listed at multiples of $100 receive offers that are 8%-12% lower but are 15%-25% more likely to sell, demonstrating an incentive-compatibility trade-off. We then show evidence consistent with sorting and belief updating inherent to cheap-talk models. Patterns in real estate transactions suggest that round-number signaling plays a role in negotiations more generally. JEL classifications: C78, D82, D83, M21. * We thank Panle Jia Barwick, Willie Fuchs, Brett Green, Jakub Kastl, and Greg Lewis for helpful discussions, and many seminar participants for helpful comments. We are grateful to Chad Syverson for sharing data on real estate transactions in the State of Illinois. This paper was previously circulated under the title "Cheap Talk, Round Numbers, and the Economics of Negotiation."