Twin-field quantum key distribution (TF-QKD) can beat the linear bound of repeaterless QKD systems. After the proposal of the original protocol, multiple papers have extended the protocol to prove its security. However, these works are limited to the case where the two channels have equal amount of loss (i.e. are symmetric). In a practical network setting, it is very likely that the channels are asymmetric due to e.g. geographical locations. In this paper we extend the 'simple TF-QKD' protocol to the scenario with asymmetric channels. We show that by simply adjusting the two signal states of the two users (and not the decoy states) they can effectively compensate for channel asymmetry and consistently obtain an order of magnitude higher key rate than previous symmetric protocol. It also can provide 2-3 times higher key rate than the strategy of deliberately adding fibre to the shorter channel until channels have equal loss (and is more convenient as users only need to optimize their laser intensities and do not need to physically modify the channels). We also perform simulation for a practical case with three decoy states and finite data size, and show that our method works well and has a clear advantage over prior art methods with realistic parameters. maintain the same channel loss for all users (and users might join/leave a network at arbitrary locations). If channels are asymmetric, for prior art protocols, users would either have to suffer from much higher quantumbit-error-rate (QBER) and hence lower key rate, or would have to deliberately add fibre to the shorter channel to compensate for channel asymmetry, which is inconvenient (since it requires physically modifying the channels) and also provides sub-optimal key rate.Similar limitation to symmetric channels have been observed in MDI-QKD. In [15], we have proposed a method to overcome this limitation, by allowing Alice and Bob to adjust their intensities (and use different optimization strategies for two decoupled bases) to compensate for channel loss, without having to physically adjust the channels. The method has also been successfully experimentally verified for asymmetric .In this work, we will apply our method to TF-QKD and show that it is possible to obtain good key rate through asymmetric channels by adjusting Alice's and Bob's intensities-in fact, we will show that, Alice and Bob only need to adjust their signal intensities to obtain optimal performance. We show that the security of the protocol is not affected, and that an order of magnitude higher (than symmetric protocol) or 2-3 times higher (than adding fibre) key rate can be achieved with the new method. Furthermore, we show with numerical simulation results that our method works well for both finite-decoy and finite-data case with practical parameters, making it a convenient and powerful method to improve the performance of TF-QKD through asymmetric channels in reality.While we use the same main idea of allowing Alice and Bob to use asymmetric intensities to compensate for asymmetric channe...