The quadratic‐phase Fourier transform (QPFT) is a recent addition to the class of Fourier transforms and embodies a variety of signal processing tools including the Fourier, fractional Fourier, linear canonical, and special affine Fourier transform. In this article, we formulate several classes of uncertainty principles for the QPFT. Firstly, we formulate the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle governing the simultaneous localization of a signal and the corresponding QPFT. Secondly, we obtain some logarithmic and local uncertainty inequalities such as Beckner and Sobolev inequalities for the QPFT. Thirdly, we study several concentration‐based uncertainty principles, including Nazarov's, Amrein–Berthier–Benedicks's, and Donoho–Stark's uncertainty principles. Finally, we conclude the study with the formulation of Hardy's and Beurling's uncertainty principles for the QPFT.