Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease characterized by loss of articular cartilage and synovial inflammation, causing joint stiffness, pain and loss of mobility. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of therapy with TENS modalities and isometric exercises in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Results: After 5 times of therapy, the results of silent pain reduction from T0-T5: 0, tenderness T0-T5: 1, motion pain T0-T5: 5, MMT T0-T5: 5, LGS value of the active knee dextra T0- T5 : S = 00 – 0 - 1250, passive right knee T0-T5 S = 00 – 0 - 1300, active left knee T0-T5 S = 00 – 0 - 1300, passive left knee T0-T5: S = 00 – 0 - 1300. Conclusion : Rehabilitation and exercise given to knee osteoarthritis patients using TENS modalities and isometric exercises support optimization of physical condition, pain reduction, increase muscle strength and functional activity of patients.