MP2 provides a good description of hydrogen bonding in water clusters and includes longrange dispersion interactions without the need to introduce empirical elements in the description of the interatomic potential. To assess its performance for bulk liquid water under ambient conditions, an isobaric-isothermal (NpT) Monte Carlo simulation at the second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory level (MP2) has been performed. The obtained value of the water density is excellent (1.02 g/mL), and the calculated radial distribution functions are in fair agreement with experimental data. The MP2 results are compared to a few density functional approximations, including semilocal functionals, hybrid functionals, and functionals including empirical dispersion corrections. These results demonstrate the feasibility of directly sampling the potential energy surface of condensed-phase systems using correlated wave function theory, and their quality paves the way for further applications. Understanding the structural and electronic properties of liquid water at ambient conditions is a major challenge in condensed matter simulations. Water is a crucial ingredient for a large variety of systems of prime importance in basic chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as in the applied fields of catalysis and energy production. The water molecule has a large dipole moment and polarizability, is a multiple hydrogen donor and acceptor and can easily build network structures.The total cohesive energy in the condensed phase is, as a consequence of these properties, a sum of many weak interactions. Theoretical models face therefore the challenge to describe many different effects and their subtle interplay at a high precision. The development of sophisticated empirical potentials for water 1-10 , allowed to gain insights into water's behavior and its thermodynamic properties [11][12][13] , such as, density maxima, heat capacity and effects of supercooling. However, empirical models lack transferability and might fail if used under conditions away from their fitting range. Most importantly, as soon as water takes an active role in a chemical process, either as a strongly interacting solvent, or for example as a source of protons, the electronic properties of the water molecule need to be taken into account. In this respect, first-principles methods offer the possibility to describe all the underlying physics on the same footing, simplifying the treatment of intra-and inter-molecular interactions. The capability to reproduce properties of complex systems such as liquid water can therefore be used to judge the sophistication and predictive power of a given quantum mechanical model. Density functional theory (DFT) is the most used quantum mechanical method employed for studying physical and chemical properties of condensed phase systems. Many DFT based simulation of bulk water have been reported in the literature, and in this context three main methods of sampling the phase space can be recognized 14 : the Car-Parrinello molecula...