Communications 1491 from aqueous ethanol, m.p. 79-80°, yield (over-all) 25%, Found: C, 77.53; H, 8.85. The compound showed typical carboxylic acid infrared bands at 3300, 2560, 1703 cm.-1. The ultraviolet spectrum showed the expected4•5 shifts and distortion; Xmax 230, é 7,480; Xgtmuid 270 m,u, t 268; Xmax 276 m^u, e 343; Xmax 283, t 295. The distortion of the ultraviolet absorption curve from that of a p-dialkylbenzene is exactly as would be predicted for the [8 ]paracyclophane by comparison with the spectra of the higher homologs.4 The PMR spectrum showed a band at 9.35 consistent with the assigned structure.9A detailed Pariser-Parr treatment of the ultraviolet spectrum will be reported in the full publication.