The beta decay rate of the ~6N(0-;120keV)-,~oo(0+,G.S.) transition has been remeasured. Our result (A~=0.48+0.024s-1) is in excellent agreement with a previous measurement but strongly disagrees with another experimental value. The two agreeing results provide an experimental verification of the importance of meson exchange currents in 0 + -0-weak transitions. A value of gp/ga~ll-12 can be inferred from the corresponding A, rate.
PACS : 23.40. HcThe fl-decay rate Ap of the 0-(120 keV, ta/2 = 5.25/is) level of 16N to the ground state of 160, and the inverse muon capture rate A,, have generate d considerable interest [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], following a suggestion [1] that the AJAp ratio was essentially nuclear structure independent. It was thought possible to extract from this ratio the induced pseudoscalar coupling constant g/gA" Later calculations [3][4][5][6] have shown that mesonic exchange currents (MEC's) account for about 75 ~ of the fl-decay rate and 35 % of the muon-capture rate. These transitions can therefore be considered an ideal case for testing our understanding of MEC's. Several measurements of A~ have been reported [7][8][9][10]. Gagliardi and Garvey [8] confirmed with much better statistics (,--5 %) the experiment of Palffy etal. [7], using the same experimental technique. Our group had reported a value of A s [9], in agreement with those of [7] and [8] with a different setup. Since then, another value has been published [10], obtained with a method similar to ours, but differing by 35 % from the previous measurements. We report here our final measurement of the 0---+0 + decay. The principle of the measurement is the following: