When Avena coleoptile segments are immersed in a solution containing H'4C03-, the appearance of label in the tissue is stimulated approximately 3-fold by fusicoccin application. This effect is rapid (1-2 minutes lag time), dependent upon respiratory energy, inhibited by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, but not appreciably altered by cycloheximide treatment. A large percentage of the cellular radioactivity is found in the form of malate. Preliminary experiments indicate that C02, as opposed to HC03-, is the favored species of "CO2" taken up by the segments. These results are consistent with the notion that C02, presumably by virtue of its fixation and conversion to malic acid, participates in the early events associated with fusicoccin-enhanced acidification of the cell wall region leading to the stimulation of cell extension growth.It is well established that auxin and the phytotoxin, fusicoccin, can cause Avena coleoptile segments to acidify the surrounding medium (4,6,7,27). It is argued that the decrease in cell wall pH resulting from IAA-or FC2-enhanced acid extrusion would lead to an increased rate of wall loosening, and hence, an increased rate of cell elongation (4,14,21,28,29). While precise knowledge of the mechanism responsible for this facilitated acidification is not yet available, there is at hand some pertinent information which any model for acidification must take into account. First, hydrogen ions per se (not organic acids) accumulate in the medium, as titration of the acidified medium shows it to lack any buffering capacity (21; Rayle and Johnson, unpublished results). Second, observed properties of the IAA and FC acidification responses are similar to reported characteristics of apparent H+ pumps in lower plant cells (18,31); that is, the acidification phenomenon requires energy metabolism (22,27), is stimulated by cations (8; Cleland, personal communication), and leads to a hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane (20). These observations could be used to argue that the acidification response is controlled by a hypothetical growth-regulatoractivated proton pump, possibly electrogenic in nature. However, the known parameters of IAA-or FC-induced acidification are equally consistent with a mechanism involving the active uptake of bicarbonate ions which have been generated extracytoplasmically by the hydration of CO2 within the cell wall region. The subsequent uptake and fixation of HC03-would result in net wall acidification indistinguishable in the final result from the outward pumping of H+ (cf. 30). This paper describes experiments carried out to assess the possibility that HC03-reabsorption could contribute to active acidification in A vena coleoptiles., 1 This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BMS73-07110 A01.2 Abbreviations: FC: fusicoccin; DNP: 2,4-dinitrophenol; RQ: respiratory quotient; CCCP: carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPlant Material. Seeds of Avena sativa L. cv. Victory were surface-sterilized in 20% Clorox for...