The climate is changing worldwide and, with it, living conditions are changing to varying degrees. As a result, students need to be equipped with a wide range of competences in order to deal with the problems of climate change. In order to successfully acquire these competences, different methods are used in lesson planning. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of raising awareness in Education for Sustainable Development, large-scale methodological learning form of the proposed model experiment will be used. For this purpose, it is necessary to first develop scientific knowledge about climate change and then present individual climate adaptation strategies using the example of climate-efficient buildings. The structure of the topic is grasped, and the didactically reduced core contents of the subject-specific scientific basics represent the specialist knowledge to be conveyed. This is followed by the construction of a self-designed model that is optimally adapted to the teaching of the subject knowledge. The subsequent series of measurements serves to evaluate the suitability of the model for the intended purpose of achieving a successful learning process under the aspects of quality criteria and practicability. The proposed model experiment has been found to be suitable and worthwhile for this purpose.