Galvanic cells of the type "LiAI," A1]LiC1-KCI(e), llLi-X (X ----Sb, Bi) were employed to determine the Gibbs free energy of formation (~Gf~ and the corresponding enthalpies (~Hf~ and entropies (~Sf ~ for the systems Li-Sb and Li-Bi as a function of composition from pure X to the Li-rich side of the Li3X phases. The Li/X ratio was changed systematically by use of the coulometric titration technique. ~Gf ~ values were obtained by integration of the coutometric titration curve from pure X to the composition of interest. Thermodynamic data have been determined for the trilithium compounds as a function of the stoichiometry. :Sf ~ and ~Hf ~ were calculated from the temperature dependence of -%Gf ~ Data were obtained over the temperature range 355~At 400~ the following values were found for the standard Gibbs free energy of formation: --176.0 kJ mole-t (Li2Sb), --260.1 kJ mole-1 (Li3Sb), --76.0 kJ mole -I (LiBi), and --215.3 kJ mole -1 (Li3Bi), all • kJ mole -1. The standard enthalpies of formation are: --220.4 kJ mole -1 (Li2Sb), --325.2 kJ mole -1 (Li3Sb), --108.9 kJ mole -1 (LiBi), --293.5 kJ mole -1 (Li3Bi), all +--0.7 kJ mole -1. The standard entropies of formation are: --66 J mole-lK -1 (Li2Sb), --97 J mole-lK-1 (Li3Sb), --49 J mole-lK -1 (LiBi), and --116 J mole-lK -1 (Li3Bi), all ~1 J mole-lK -1. The experimental results were also used to examine the [chase diagrams for Li-Sb and Li-Bi. The range of stoichiometry of Li~+~Sb is very narrow (55 ----7 X 10-~), whereas Li3+~Bi exhibits a large deviation from the ideal stoichiometry (h5 ----0.22), predominantly on the lithium-deficit side. Li2Sb and LiBi have been found to be the only intermediate phases existing beside the trilithium phases in the temperature range investigated.The voltage E of galvanic cells is a measure of the change of the Gibbs free energy ~G due to the reaction which occurs upon a virtual current flux, E ~ --aG/nq, where n is the number of elementary charges q necessary for one formula reaction. ~G is the corresponding Gibbs free energy change at constant pressure and temperature. From the temperature dependence of E the changes of the enthalpy, ~H, and the entropy, ~S, may also be determined. Therefore, the application of electrochemical cells has become one of the standard techniques for the measurement of thermodynamic data with high accuracy (1).Although the coulometric titration technique was introduced more than two decades ago (2) method has been used in only a small number of cases for the determination of thermodynamic properties as a function of the stoichiometry within individual phases [e.g., (3,4)]. Use of this technique can be especially valuable, however, in the case of phases with narrow composition ranges, as it can be employed to quantitatively produce very small, and reversible, compositional changes. By making measurements as a function of composition on a single sample, one can avoid errors which often occur in the preparation of a series of individual samples with different compositions.Since the equilibrium po...