Citrus fruits are one of the principal crops around the world, where Brazil is currently the largest producer of oranges, representing about 30% of the world's production of fresh fruit (Espinosa-Pardo et al., 2017a, 2017b. Oranges are the most important citrus in the agricultural area around the world, being widely grown in tropical, subtropical, and mild climate zones (Belo et al., 2018). Citrus fruits are members of the Rutaceae family, which is composed by around 160 genera and 1900 species (do Carmo et al., 2018). Mandarins are one of the fruits that belong to this family, and they are a subspecies of Clementine reticulate that is characterized for having a round elliptical shape, the trees are thornless and have an average height compared to other mandarins. The fruit is aromatic, juicy, and seedless, it also has a dark orange color and is made up of 8 to 12 segments, whereas its peel is soft and has a shiny red-orange-like color (Putnik et al., 2017).In the last years, mandarin has increased its consumption and marketing, and the production also increased to 30% reaching 29 millions of tons per year, being China the major producer