In the USA radical surgery remains the golden standard for invasive bladder cancer. Yet in most other areas of surgical oncology the trend of the 1990s has been towards organ conservation with chemoradiation with or without limited local surgery. Patients with breast, oesophageal, anal, lung and larynx cancer are routinely offered conservative therapies as valid options in the management of their diseases but bladder stands apart from the crowd. Evidence is presented here to show that this need not be the case. Four older randomized trials failed to show a survival advantage when immediate cystectomy was compared with radiation followed by salvage cystectomy, if required. Five and 8-year survival rates for clinically staged patients treated by transurethral resection and chemoradiation (trimodality therapy) in several modern, large and mature series show survival rates comparable to those reported in contemporary radical cystectomy series. Eighty per cent of those alive 5 years after chemoradiation still retain their native bladder. Although superficial relapse occurs in 20% of cases, it remains responsive to BCG (Bacilles bilie de Calmette-Guerin) in the manner of de novo superficial disease. Quality-of-life studies show that the retained bladder functions well. At the Massachusetts General Hospital and in the multicentre prospective trials, less than 1% of patients needed cystectomy for bladder morbidity. It is of note that continent diversions may be performed as salvage after contemporary radiation therapy. Trimodality therapy is a novel and contemporary approach that owes little to the radiation treatment offered in the 1970s. While it will never entirely take the place of radical cystectomy, it should be offered as a reasonable alternative to patients with a new diagnosis of bladder cancer. This multidisciplinary approach will allow uro-oncology to keep in step with the oncological vanguard.