This paper conducts a theoretical research into bond-slip relationship between ribbed steel bars and concrete. According to whether the concrete is cracked or not, the ascending part of the bond-slip curve is divided into two sections which are calculated by two different mechanical models. Based on the wedging action mechanism, the slip is introduced as displacement boundary conditions into the model, which is the main innovation of this study. The boundary conditions of the model are changed by the changing slip, so the bond stress values corresponding to all levels of slip are obtained. According to the rebar geometrical parameters specified in National Standard GB1499-2007, the spacing of the adjacent ribs is fitted as a linear function of the rebar diameter. Then characteristic slip with the rib spacing as the main parameter is adopted in this study. Also, a negative exponential function is proposed for the descending part of the bond-slip curve. Specially, parameters of slipping path are therefore suggested for engineering applications. Comparison between calculated values and test results shows that the theoretical model can reasonably predict the local bonding problems with different steel bar diameters and concrete strength grades. K E Y W O R D S bond-slip, elasticity, reinforced concrete, ribbed bars, wedging action 1 | INTRODUCTIONReinforced concrete (RC) structures resist together external loads with the promise of reliable bond and anchor force between rebar and concrete. Research into the problem has demonstrated that bond between concrete and rebar is established through three mechanisms: chemical adhesion, friction, and mechanical interlock between the steel bar ribs and the concrete. 1 The effect of chemical adhesion is small and friction forces do not develop until adhesion has failed and relative displacement between reinforcement bar and concrete takes place. Both of the chemical adhesion and the friction force are important in the case of plain bars. For deformed bars, however, the mechanical interlock of the ribs of the bars embedded in concrete governs the bond stress deformation behavior. 2 During the 1970s, Tepfers treated this problem analytically as a thick-walled cylinder subject to internal radial pressure. 3 The outer radius of the cylinder is determined by the concrete cover depth and the inner radius by the bar size. Resistance to splitting was calculated on the assumption of plastic tensile behavior of concrete on the splitting surfaces, and expressions were developed for additional contributions from confining reinforcement. 4,5 Since then several researchers have developed theoretical expressions for bond strength based on Tepfers's methodology, dividing the thick-walled cylinder into an uncracked outer ring and a partly cracked inner ring. The important issue for the inner ring is the choice of softening model. 6 More refined approximation for the non-linear state of the inner ring was developed by Van der Veen, 7 Uijl et al, 8 and Nielsen and Bićanić, 9 extending Tepfers's mo...