Integrated computing systems-such as Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB-enable the development of "live" electronic documents that include explanatory text, calculations, custom programming (code development), visualization, and other features. As a result, teachers and students, researchers and practitioners can develop applications in a completely interactive format. Such e-documents can be put to good use in developing textbooks, lecture notes, assignments and presentations, as well as in the context of research and development (R&D) projects. The interactive approach accelerates and enhances the process of learning and research. To illustrate this approach, we discuss a nonlinear (global and local) optimization software product and a topical electronic book that support interactive model development and optimization in Maple. We highlight the key features of the e-book and the software, present illustrative examples, and point towards a range of scientific and engineering applications.
Mathematics Subject Classification 65K30 · 90C05 · 90C31Keywords Advanced systems modeling and optimization · Interactive electronic documents for research and education · Integrated computing systems · Maple · Global Optimization Toolbox · Illustrative examples and applications