Each country has specific values as the country's identity, which generally lay in the basic description of the country's historical background, socio-cultural conditions, and shared values and dreams. In Indonesia, the values of state identity are inside the Five Fundamental Principles known as Pancasila. As a multicultural country, the contribution of the excellent character of the ethnic groups in Indonesia must strengthen and enrich the values of national identity. However, the power of ethnicity to support the nation's collective values is rarely explored due to the fear of interethnic competition that can lead to feuds. Even the views that ethnicity is an obstacle to unity. This qualitative study focuses on identifying the excellent ethnic characters and the linking to support the values of the Five Fundamental Principles. Literature studies and interviews are used to obtain data and information on 13 tribes' excellence characters from purposively selected participants. The study found ten generic characters, namely: Religious, Honest, Courageous, Sincere, Faithful, Migrant, Collaborative, Firm, Resilient, Friendly. These characters represent the identity of the country's national values. Bearing in mind that a multicultural society has unique strengths in its superior character, the state needs to implement a strategy that will provide a platform for people to respect each other.