Whilst thirteen researchers participated in writing the various chapters, two of them also substantially contributed to the process of combining it all together into one book. Dr. Steven Parham did the language-editing for the chapters, which in their manuscripts varied considerably in their linguistic style due to the large number of non-native speakers. M.Soc.Sc. Vadim Romashov prepared the index, the bibliography, and edited the voluminous citation system, including transliterations from the Cyrillic to the Latin script. Parham and Romashov also commented on the manuscripts. Their contributions were irreplaceable and not only decisively eased the editor's burdens: they also created a team atmosphere through mutual support that has had value beyond measure.Unlike the other contributors, who all were researchers in the project, Professor Renée Marlin-Bennett participated as our "external" commentator. She did so in a workshop for launching the book project and also acted as the discussant for a panel that the project organized for the First ABS