The Meridional Rank Conjecture is an important open problem in the theory of knots and links in S 3 , and asks whether the bridge number of a knot is equal to the minimal number of meridians needed to generate the fundamental group of its complement. In this paper we investigate the extent to which this is a good conjecture for other knotted objects, namely knotted surfaces in S 4 and virtual and welded knots. We develop criteria using tailored quotients of knot groups and the Wirtinger number to establish the equality of bridge number and meridional rank for several large families of examples. On the other hand, we show that the meridional rank of a connected sum of knotted spheres can achieve any value between the theoretical limits, so that either bridge number also collapses, or meridional rank is not equal to bridge number. We conclude with some applications of the Wirtinger number of virtual knots to the classical MRC and to hyperbolic volume of knots in S 3 .